For centuries we have had to fly high and far to escape the fumes of your ‘civilisation’. But now for the last 100 years you have been turning our ancestors into vapours. Those black lagoons that you ‘refine’ are the paths we use to cross the night and you swallow them up and pour them out as liquid vapours, with no other thought than how you can go faster and reach higher, and we have to breathe these ancient fragrances knowing fully well what they are, and can no longer breathe the clean air of spirit. Shame on you.
The Birds.
You incarcerate our clans and steal our stars. Oblivious to our needs, you steal our eggs.
Shame on you.
For your soulless coins and scrap paper.
Shame on you.
You claim you care but measure the dead in human corpses, not in lost species.
Shame on you.
The Birds.