I found myself being encouraged ‘you are shown something and then you teach it to others’. As if this was the Masonic way of assuring others ‘all was well’. It was accompanied by an image of a spear falling with a flaming tail to it.
I was troubled by this, as there was no room for question. You have been shown it, implying it is safe to use. I have had occasional encounters with some claiming to be Master Masons, down the years who were unscrupulous and seemed to consider that their path is universal and therefore covers all bases. I beg to differ. Not that I wish to tar all Masons with the same brush, but the depths of corruption run deep within the organisation. The double bluff, the shady deal. Masonism shares symbols common to humanity, since it traces the progress of the soul. This does not make it special, nor does it make it ‘above the law’. Negative Karmic Actions remain negative karmic actions with the penalties that incurs.
I saw another spear, heading ‘for the heart of Eden’. I seized it and held it in its course, parallel to the ground, but now no longer threatening.
Waking I wondered what this was about. Then recalled that ‘an eleventh hour agreement has been made, that is good for Britain’, as Ed Milliband put it following the conclusion of the COP29 summit this morning. I recalled the oil barrens trying to revoke agreements made at the last summit.
I don’t want to take anyone’s source of wealth from them but I do want others to appreciate that life on Earth is not the gift of endless millennia of mindless evolution, but a gift from Life herself and it is this that is being abused by those who wish to ensure profits keep flowing, while the entire world is drowning and burning about them.
We cannot replace a single species on the planet. Each is a gift from the Divine mother, whom I maintain is the Galaxy herself, though others may claim is the Great Earth Mother or use other terms. The Indigenous people know this. It is only the power brokers who ignore the obvious.
But living in such a secular age as this these comments will seem ridiculous or quaint. Not really relevant to today’s outlook, where money counts and everything is quantified, with no appreciation of quality, only price. Earth is treated like a garbage can, with the rats and vultures picking over the best bits for themselves.
So I address the world leaders and say – please respect the creatures you share this planet with. It is not a commodity which can be bought and sold, weighed and measured. It is an extraordinary gift for each of us. Don’t trash my life, and I will do my best not to trash yours.