We are at the end of the first quarter of the century, already we can feel the speed of change slowing down after the acceleration of the new millennium.
We return to a more familiar rate of change – the world as it always is. Business as usual. At least this is what the media inform us of. At the same time entertainment becomes more violent and grim, seemingly ignoring the propaganda aspect of teaching others how to commit crimes against one another.
At the same time Pluto – upheaval, thuggery, sexual power and gangsters – moves into Aquarius – place of the people, popularity, generational movements, technology, mental health, abuse of power, domination and revolution.
At the time of Pluto’s discovery in 1926 the world saw the invention of the atom bomb, economic collapse, the rise of gangsters in US, and fascism in Europe. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, on discovery, heralded the French Reovultion, the American War of Independence, the beginning of the end of slavery and the rise in widespread education.
Those who cry for Republics and an end to Monarchy are blinded by the media which loves nothing more than creating a story out of nothing. The Washington Post is a fine example of spin over substance. Republics are so much easier to pervert, claiming democracy as their defence, where corrupt leaders succumb to bribes and push nations into deeper poverty driven by The World Bank. This we are assured is better than a monarchy with responsibilities across the whole nation. Rome and the Empire is a fine example of corruption and tyranny from history. It is not alone. There is a difference between a king who has lived his whole life learning to care for a nation, and an emperor (or President) who has pushed himself into place.
With the advent of Aquarius we already see technology advancing so fast no-one can keep up with it. This is giving massive opportunities to criminals, whether state sponsored or not, to exploit the rest of us. This includes sexploitation, not only in terms of children sending lurid pictures of themselves and falling prey to blackmailers, but also the disappearance of young persons to feed the sex machine. Not the rather sweet version of James Brown but the horrid version that shows ‘lovely Ukranian women want friendship’ and similar that adorn our screens. Behind these pictures of beauty is a world of criminality that deals in slave trading, rape, and organ transplants. Harvesting the organs of unknown or unattached people for profit. Already the media tell stories of such extreme behaviour. governments pass legislation to encourage the use of organs for transplant, not acknowledging the black market horror that this encourages.
As the speed of change slows, we come down off the high of ‘a New millenium’ and we can take stock of the world we are building. Water courses the world over poisoned by unprocessed excreta, both human and animal. Livestock kept in enclosed spaces crushed into tiny pens not seeing the Sun. The seas are dying as this effluent is poured into them. Fish stocks falling through commercial over-fishing. Forests disappearing to be replaced by plantations. Ecocide.
In place of responsibility and social concern we see the rise of extremism all over. Children with machetes killing others. Mass shootings in mindless blood baths. Nations encouraging this behaviour in their own destrcution of neighbouring cities and nations.
This ‘New Age’ is driven by the ‘Cult of the Personality’. Look at those who wage war around the world. Charismatic leaders who demand others obey their every whim.
Meanwhile the media promote the cult of the personality making celebrities out of issues, the same faces appearing again and again on tv to support their chosen cause, such that sight is lost of this disease or that, with fame and wealth taking pride of place. Every person for themselves; the cry that people are wicked; take what you want and never mind others. The grab and go society. Instant gratification. I want it now tantrums. Glamour, glitz, fame, wealth, the gods of mammon.
Children are given heroes to idolise and aspire to become the next world famous footballer, singer in a Boy Band, dancer on the fields of glamour, while the reality for most is homelessness, starvation and no way out of the trap placed upon them other than through some criminal activity. Shoplifting. Society is tearing itself apart as nurses and teachers, who are working, have to use food banks to find enough to feed their families. In place of responsible leaders, those who demand obedience to their decrees. They cannot control themselves and yet they demand that everyone else should praise their lack of self-control. Narcissistic to the max.
It is true we have come through an acceleration in time, but instead of taking advantage of it and growing, most have squandered it in looking for a good time for themselves. Self-empowerment being understood as demanding ‘rights’ heedless of duty or responsibilities. Misguided notions of loyalty. Their heroes demonstrate this and give no heed to those who are hurt by any excesses indulged.
The next time we will experience any sort of acceleration, and even so not on the same scale, will be towards the end of the century, if we have not destroyed ourselves and ruined the planet by then.