Global catastrophe

I cannot tell you the depth of concern I have regarding the exponential growth of G5, Wifi, Broadband, Broadcast networks, satellite tv, etc. etc. I have been saying for some years now that since 1950 the expansion of these networks with the consequent radiation has been a major factor in heating the Earth. As a friend of mine said ‘they are microwaving the planet’.

At the same time we hear that 65 % of all insect life has disappeared in England, and a further 55% in Wales, over the last 17 years. I know I have seen one butterfly this year. I saw it today. But have I seen anymore than that? I cannot recall.

The need for surveillance is pushing the starnet platform across the skies with thousands, literally thousands, of satellites ‘to increase global availability of’ all said services mentioned above.

I have written in the past of the insect world as being an electrical world. A swarm of flies hover at night in a cloud near a bush and exchange places in movements that are not physical but like the flicking of a switch. They have not propelled themselves to the new position. They have hung in a place within the mesh of the cloud singing their song, to be suddenly moved to a new location on the grid. I wrote about this in 1979. Has any research been done on it?

No. The only research that has been done recently on insects is how to produce an alternative source of food for humans through massive production of large flies whose bodies are then crushed and ground into I don’t know what. In alarm I wrote to one Dutch company who were pioneering this work and asked if they harvested the creatures when they were alive, rather than in a dormant phase of their lives. They assured me the creatures were alive.

Some friends of mine complain about the silk industry, but at least the creatures are in a state of dissolution in their cocoons when the thread is taken from them. If you consider the cocoon houses a living creature – as it does – then boiling the thing to take the silk seems cruel. But when you consider that the caterpillar gorges itself until it falls into dormancy and then dissolves into a genetic soup, it is surely evident that the individual awareness is so remote from the physical process that boiling it at this point will only restore the individual creature to its oversoul, where it is certainly absorbed in contemplation prior to the boiling process. A butterfly dreams itself into being.

But I am afraid that those who call themselves Biologists and Scientists will accuse me of anthropomorphising a creature’s spiritual journey. Since humans are evidently the only creatures that share in culture and have any sense of self-awareness it is also evident that the rest are merely the results of a natural process leading to humankind.

I do not accept such a view. Every creature, of every species, is on a path of development and awakening. Every family shares with its young how to feed, what is good to eat and where to find such food. This is culture. The scientist hides behind the word ‘instinct’ for something they are unable to explain. I see only intelligence operating in the entirety of Nature, with humans as pretty low on the scale of awareness. When we create societies that are geared to produce but not to reproduce, to consume but not to sustain, can we truly call ourselves ‘wise’?

Author: Keith Armstrong

Dance teacher, writer, film-maker, educationalist, enthusiast.