When the cards are stacked against you, pull on out.
When they make decisions for you, pull on out.
When you can’t afford the food you eat
And you live in a room you can not heat
When you’re wearing three pairs of socks on your feet
You know its time to pull on out.
When there’s nowhere else to go just pull on out
When there’s holes in your shoes and overcoat just pull on out
When you see them smile with their lips alone
They invite you to their lavish home
And they lean too close and then they moan
You know its time to pull on out.
When the world is crumblin round your ears
And your heart is gripped by untold fears
And ‘We’re doin well’, is all you hear
You know its time to pull on out
Remember you’re the only one who can
Put your faith in the One and not in the man
To reach up and take what’s your to be had
Not just follow on another fad
Put your heart on the line and don’t sell your ass
It may hurt at first but that will pass
As the others tell you you’re alone at last
You know they’re drowning in their holocaust
And want you to join them, won’t that be a blast,
When your pain is gone and all in the past
Let your heart shine on as you pull on out.